May 28, 2015
Social Security Announces Vision 2025, a Long-Range Service Delivery Vision
By Christina Vital
Social Security Manager
Rock Island Social Security Office
Ensures a Commitment to Local Field Office Presence Nationwide
Embarking on its 80th Anniversary of being a key piece of the Nation’s fabric, Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, has officially released Vision 2025. The vision will serve as a “North Star” to guide Social Security and show how the agency will accomplish and deliver three key priorities: superior customer experience, exceptional employees, and an innovative organization over the next decade and beyond.
“We must be prepared to adapt as technology and society changes at an unprecedented rate,” Acting Commissioner Colvin said. “Vision 2025 is our way of making sure we keep up with these changes, and how we position ourselves to best serve the public in the future.”
When employees, customers, and partners are given the right tools to help them work better together, wonderful things happen. In shaping Vision 2025, Social Security reached out to as many individuals and organizations as possible for input. The agency engaged in active listening and communicating with internal and external stakeholders. Internally, the agency engaged employees, labor unions, and management associations.
The agency encouraged and received feedback and ideas from the public through an online survey accessed on the agency’s website, The agency also worked with the National Academy of Public Administration, members of Congress, advocacy groups, and the Social Security Advisory Board. The input Social Security received resulted in “emerging themes” that led to the development of the three key priorities.
Vision 2025 reflects Social Security’s full commitment—now and in the future—to offering customers choices in how they do business with us. This commitment includes sustaining a field office structure that provides face-to-face service and is responsive to members of the public who need or prefer face-to-face service.
“Vision 2025 represents the agency’s commitment to continuous long-term planning. It will guide our more than 65,000 employees who continue to provide exemplary service to our customers,” Acting Commissioner Colvin said. “We are proud of our longstanding commitment to customer service and continual efforts to improve efficiency. We are also excited about our vision for serving the public in the next 10 to 15 years.”
For more information, you can access the Social Security Vision 2025 interactive website here:
Find Security With a Solid Retirement Plan
Achieving financial independence is key to enjoying a satisfying retirement. Social Security has many tools to help you plan for your future.
Prepare for a secure, comfortable retirement by visiting Once there, open a secure my Social Security account and assess your financial needs. You will get immediate access to your personal Social Security Statement, your earnings record, and an estimate of your retirement benefits at age 62, at your full retirement age, and at age 70. You can also ensure your earnings are correct, since your future benefits are based on your earnings record.
Choosing when to retire is an important decision. At our Retirement Estimator, which you can find at, you can get an estimate of your future benefit amount. You can use “what if” scenarios to see how your benefit amounts will change with different retirement dates and future earnings estimates.
Also, visit to check out myRA, a new retirement savings option from the Department of the Treasury for the millions of Americans who face barriers to saving for retirement. myRA is a simple, secure, and affordable way to help you take control of your future.
Once you are ready to retire, you can apply at Our online retirement application is the easiest and fastest way to apply for Social Security retirement benefits. It can take you as little as 15 minutes to complete. There are no forms to sign, and usually no documentation is required. Additionally, you can apply online from the convenience of your home.
Learn more about Social Security retirement benefits by reading our publication at With all of these resources in place, you too can prepare to reap the joys of a financially secure retirement. Learn more at
Filed Under: Finance, Retirement
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