September 10, 2009

Bettendorf Public Library Hosts Global Gathering Germany

Beginning September 1, the Bettendorf Public Library is hosting Global Gathering Germany, a two-month celebration of German culture, heritage, and tradition for all ages. Throughout September and October, the Bettendorf Public Library will feature programs and activities related to Germany and its people. There will also be displays of German objects throughout the Library, as well as new library items. Global Gathering is celebrated not only to enhance understanding of Germany beyond what is widely known, but to respect and appreciate the diversity our neighbors with German roots bring to the community.

Highlights of Global Gathering Germany include a series on the elaborate illuminated script folk art called fraktur, a presentation on German Bauhaus architecture, an examination of the influence of the John Deere Company in Germany, a cooking class at Hy-Vee, and concerts by critically acclaimed zither master Tomy Temerson and by New York-based classical guitarist Peter Fletcher. The library will host two beginner German classes, one for children and one for adults, a 6-part film series, and all of our book discussions groups will focus on books about Germany or by German authors. More information can be found by visiting the Global Gathering website at, or by calling us at 563-344-4175.