April 3, 2011
Put a Little Spring In Your Step… Avoid Injury while Walking or Running
Be Safe and Wear Proper Gear
Spring is upon us and summer will soon be around the corner. This is when many of us take advantage of the warm outdoors and take to the pavement with our sneakers for a healthy walk or run.
Exercising outside can be adapted to anyone’s fitness level. Whether you walk or run, make the most of the experience. Share your exercise outing with a friend, your loved one or a pet.
Before you begin, make sure you talk to your doctor about your exercise goals. Go over any medical conditions that may impact your long-term outdoor exercise plans.
Next, always think safety before heading outdoors. Make sure you wear proper footwear such as a good walking or running shoe. Never take a gamble on your feet. Shoes should have a solid support and be comfortable for distance walking. Your walking/running shoes should be replaced every six months according to fitness experts.
If you walk at night, make sure you wear reflective gear and or carry a flash light. Never go into areas you are not familiar with and consider taking a walking buddy.
Explore the many beautiful walking areas of the Quad-Cities like the bike paths along River Drive on the Illinois and Iowa sides. You can also have a nice scenic walk along the Duck Creek path or on Credit Island. Take advantage of the beauty of nature by walking along the trails at Black Hawk State Park.
But remember, you don’t have to go far to get a good walk in. Enjoy a few laps around your neighborhood or go to and from the grocery store. Nothing is ever too close or too far. Make your spring/summer fitness fun and exciting by exploring your options and staying safe.
Filed Under: Featured, Health & Wellness
Tags: Bike Paths, Black Hawk State Park, Creek Path, Exercise Goals, Feet Shoes, Fitness Experts, Fitness Fun, Flash Light, Grocery Store, Little Spring, Medical Conditions, Outdoor Exercise, Pavement, Proper Footwear, Quad Cities, Reflective Gear, Running Shoe, Running Shoes, Sneakers, Spring Summer
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