November 5, 2013
On the Go With Joe Hutter
Seniors And Law
Enforcement Together (SALT)
By Joe Hutter
Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (S.A.L.T.) was organized to assist seniors and inform seniors of what is available to help them have a safe and secure life. There are many organizations and services available for seniors. One that many people are not familiar with is the Center for Active Seniors or CASI.
CASI has social workers that are there to help and inform seniors. They help older adults stay independent while enjoying a high quality of life that helps seniors stay connected with the community. They can help not only seniors but also caregivers. For more information call (563) 386-7477.
Another service is the River Bend Transit Program. They provide transportation from your home to where you want to go. They are a non-profit agency and service is available for seniors and also for individuals with disabilities. Call (563) 386-7484 for more information.
Just for your information, always read the small print on items you receive in the mail. For instance, the letters people get from Publisher’s Clearing House stating that their number for $7,000-a-week for life has been deposited on the winners’ selection list. It does NOT say you are a winner. Buying
magazines does NOT increase your chance of winning the money. Just because something looks official or uses the word “document” does not mean anything special.
We are getting close to Christmas, and we all get something in the mail asking or money. Make sure you know the charity before you send money. Many CEO’s of the charity make very high salaries! Some charities give only 75 cents out of every dollar to the actual charity.
Remember, we meet at CASI and you are welcome. Our November meeting is November 27 at CASI at 9:30 a.m. We’d love for you to join us. If you have any questions, please call Pam at the Scott County Sheriff’s Office at (563) 326-8217.
Take care.