January 3, 2014

Ella’s Kitchen

A new year is starting. Maybe you overate in the sweets or rich food departments and now feel the need for simpler, less caloric foods. Just don’t cut all of the goodies out that you have had for the last few weeks. Your body will revolt if you don’t still have a few sweets – just in moderation. Otherwise, that New Year’s diet will fade away very quickly. Enjoy the New Year!
– Ella

[Ella can be contacted at ellaweeza@yahoo.com or Ella – 50+ Lifestyles, 804 W Lombard Street, Davenport, IA, 52804]


Turkey Vegetable Tray

This came across my desk and I thought it to cute not to share. The Thanksgiving and Christmas meals may be a thing of the past, but create your own vegetable try. Maybe a snowman using cauliflower flowerets and the peeled cucumber slices for the body. Then garnish the snowman and background with a design of various vegetables. Or maybe a football theme for snacks while watching the play-off games. Using the colors of your favorite team’s colors – yes, blue and purple hues might take a little creativity. Red cabbage has a purple hue. Maybe the serving tray could be that base color. Or do a heart healthy heart for Valentine’s Day. Think outside of the box! You can do it!


Double Cheese and Asparagus Sandwiches

4 slices of bread toasted, your choice –
sandwich bread, crusty French bread,
English muffins
1 3-oz package cream cheese
1 1-pound can asparagus spears, drained or 12 fresh spears,
steamed tender
4 slices tomato Dash instant minced onion
Dash garlic salt Dash dried oregano, minced
Dash pepper 4 slices sharp process American cheese

Spread even amounts of the cream cheese on each toast slice. Place in a shallow baking pan. Top each with a tomato slice and three asparagus spears. Combine seasonings; sprinkle over asparagus. Cover pan with foil; bake in moderate oven (375 degree) for 15 minutes. Uncover and top with cheese slices. Return to oven for 2 to 3 minutes or until the cheese is melted. You can garnish each with a dollop of sour cream and a
pimento-stuffed green olive half.

Filed Under: Community, Family

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