February 29, 2016
The Colorful and Edible Violet
By Shelli Tague
Roses are red, Violets are blue………..
However, not all violets are blue.
There are also white, deep purple, maroon, yellow (the only local ones that vine), white-purple-throated, white-purple speckled and striped violets.
When did you last venture into a nearby, early spring woods? You might just find some or all of these.
The blue and purple varieties seem to be most common. These two make a nice woodsy snack as you stroll along your way. Yes, these are edible.
With permission, of course, pick some to munch, the washed, dried flowers look pretty atop a fruit salad or a frosted cake. I’ve made both jelly and pancake syrup from the blossoms. Both are tasty and of a beautiful purple color – jewel-like.
How about the leaves? Again, edible and nutritious. I have read that eating one-half cup of cooked (like spinach) blue or purple violet leaves provides as much vitamin C as eating 4 oranges.
Your backyard might be a pantry of wild edibles in season – no yard chemicals used, we hope. Visit a library for book information and find a friend who really knows wild edibles. We must realize that there could be some plants even animals have the good sense not to eat. Live and learn!
Filed Under: News
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