April 27, 2017
Farmer’s Market Vouchers for Iowa Seniors
By Peggy Dykes
Community Relations Director
Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging
As part of a national initiative, Milestones Area Agency on Aging will again be distributing vouchers to low- and moderate-income Iowa seniors for use at local farmers’ markets. The Davenport office will begin distribution on June 14; however, distribution will begin sooner in various areas. A complete listing of locations, dates and times are listed on www.milestonesaaa.org or by calling 1-855-410-6222.
Qualifying applicants must live in Iowa and be age 60 or older on the date of application. Milestones is the distribution agency for seniors living in Scott, Clinton, Muscatine Counties along with Appanoose, Davis, Des Moines, Henry, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Lucas, Mahaska, Monroe, Van Buren, Wapello and Wayne counties in the total service area. Note: disabled individuals under age 60 are not eligible through this program.
Annual income requirements are $22,311 or below for a single person and $30,044 or below for a married couple. Both husbands and wives may receive checks. Recipients sign a statement of eligibility with their name, address, phone number and the last four digits of their Social Security number.
Recipients are awarded 10-$3 checks valued at $30 to be used June through October for fresh, unprepared, locally grown fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and honey at participating farmers market vendors. Checks cannot be used for baked goods, eggs, jelly, meat, etc. Recipients are instructed to look for the vendor stall sign that says, “Farmers Market Nutrition Program Checks and WIC Cash Value Vouchers Welcome Here” as an indication that the vendor is certified to accept the vouchers.
Checks can be picked up Monday thru Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Milestones’ office at 935 E. 53rd Street in Davenport starting June 14. Distribution will also be available at all Senior Nutrition Centers and some senior
housing locations.
Illinois has a similar program. For information on the requirements and distribution information, call Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging 1-800-322-1051
Peggy Dykes is Community Relations Director at Milestones Area Agency on Aging. She can be reached at (563) 324-9085, ext. 212 or at pdykes@milestones aaa.org.
Filed Under: Community, Health & Wellness, News, Retirement
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