January 31, 2018
Notes from Triad
Social Media – Good? or Bad? Tips on How to Safely Use It
In last month’s issue, there was an article about being connected on Facebook. The story had a happy ending. But there are many things to consider before posting on social media.
- Know who your “friends” are: Friend only those people that you personally know. If you receive a friend request from a person you are already friends with, DO NOT accept the new request. Message your friend and ask them if they are aware that you received a request from them. Chances are they have been hacked and should reset their password. If you receive a friend request from someone you don’t know, but seem to have some mutual friends, contact the friends you know to see if this person is really someone you want to be friends with. Make a wise decision.
- DO NOT post upcoming vacations or times away from your home on line. Wait until after the event to post pictures and talk about it.
- NEVER post personal private information. If a friend needs a mailing address or phone number, message them or email them, don’t post it publicly.
- DO NOT just randomly click on every link, website or page you see. Some may be viruses or phishing expeditions. Know what you are clicking on before you click. Some “harmless” games are asking fun information about you. But they are often the same questions as your security questions, so beware.
Remember that anything you post has the potential of being seen by thousands of people in many countries. Know your privacy settings and how to use them but also be aware that some of your conversations may not be as private as you thought.
Grandparents love to share pics of the grandchildren for all to see, but beware of what you post. One grandfather would post picture after picture of his adorable granddaughters. But he called them Granddaughter No 1, Granddaughter No 2 and Granddaughter No 3. He never divulged their names or parents’ names or locations. A wise choice to protect them.
Filed Under: News
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