May 29, 2018
World Elder Abuse Day – June 15
By Peggy Dykes
Community Relations Director
Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging
Each year, an average of 2.2 million older Americans face injury, exploitation, or other mistreatment in the form of financial, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect per the National Center on Elder Abuse, Bureau of Justice Statistics. Adult/elder abuse is grossly under-recognized and under-reported. For every 1 case of abuse, neglect, and/or financial exploitation reported, 23 cases are NOT reported. It’s important to identify possible abuse in your life or the lives of others and get the help and support needed to stop the mistreatment.
The Adult/Elder Rights Program at Milestones Area Agency on Aging is focused on the prevention, intervention, detection and the reporting of all forms of abuse affecting elders and adults with disabilities. The program empowers these individuals to sustain their own independence with an assessment and intervention planning which includes presenting options to enhance lifestyle choices. This responsive system accepts all referrals concerning adult/elder abuse, neglect or exploitation.
With the help of caregivers and community partners, Milestones staff works to ensure that vulnerable individuals have access to community supports and services. The agency aspires to educate individuals on their rights to be free of violence and exploitation while providing solution-focused options to increase safety.
It is often difficult to observe elder abuse, especially in financial or emotional cases. Typically, their suffering is in silence. As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we invite you to stop in at Milestones, 935 E. 53rd St., Davenport on June 15 between 10am-noon to receive a purple ribbon and information about the Adult/Elder Prevention and Awareness program. Wear the ribbon to spread awareness at the local level, knowing that abuse thrives in the shadows of ignorance. Next, share your concern with local and state elected officials, faith leaders, and neighbors.
Every solution begins with awareness, conversation, and agreement that elder abuse shall not be tolerated. Let us unite to protect the most vulnerable among us from mistreatment and exploitation. If you live in Iowa and would like more information regarding the Adult/Elder Rights Program call 855-410-6222. In Illinois, similar programs are available by contacting Alternatives at 800-798-098
Peggy Dykes is Community Relations Director at Milestones Area Agency on Aging. She can be reached at (563) 484-3147, ext. 212 or at pdykes@milestones
Filed Under: Health & Wellness, News
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