July 27, 2018
August – The End of Summer or the Beginning of School
By Eloise Graham
Most of us probably grew up with August being the last “Hurrah of Summer.” Family vacations were taken in August. Everyone wanted to get one more picnic or carnival ride or swimming party before the end of August, the end of summer.
It’s not that way anymore.
Here locally, it is Back to School Month
Rock Island schools will start their classes on August 2. East Moline schools start on August 14. Classes in Moline start August 22. Davenport and Bettendorf districts will start classes August 23. So be prepared to see those yellow school buses back on the roads. Remember, slow down in school zones.
Whether it is the end of summer or the beginning of school you can eat your way through August.
- Aug 1 is National Raspberry Cream Pie Day, National Ice Cream Sandwich Day and Grab Some Nuts Day.
- Aug 3 claims to be National Watermelon Day.
- Aug 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day.
- Aug 5 is National Oysters Day and National Mustard Day.
- Aug 6 is Root-beer Float Day.
- Aug 8 celebrates Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Night.
- Aug 10 is National S’mores Day and Kool-Aid Day.
- Aug 14 boasts of National Creamsicle Day.
- Aug 18 is Fajita Day
- Aug 19 is National Potato Day.
- Aug 20 is Cupcake Day.
- Aug 21 is National Spumoni Day
- Aug 29 is More Herbs, less Salt Day.
- Aug 30 is National Toasted Marshmallow Day.
- Aug 31 is National Trail Mix Day and Eat Outside Day.