October 29, 2019
Calendar of Events November 2019
Support Groups and Informational Seminars
Open AA Meeting – There are ongoing open meetings every Friday, Saturday or Sunday evening at 7 pm. Location: 1706 Brady Street, Suite 105, Davenport. For more information contact Illowa Intergroup 24 hour (309) 764-1016 or visit www.aaquadcities.org
Quad Cities Alzheimer’s Association – Are you or someone you know a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s? Free educational classes are offered for people with dementia, their families, and those who professionally serve them. The Alzheimer’s Association has a variety of support groups that meet monthly in Illinois and Iowa. If you are interested in learning more about a support group please call our office at (563) 324-1022.
Caregiver’s Support Group – Alzheimer’s Association second Tuesday of each month 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm at CASI, 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport. CASI and the Iowa Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association invite area caregivers to participate in a caregiver support group. Group will meet on the second Tuesday of each month and is designed for individuals caring for loved one’s with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia or for those who are caring for a loved one with another health condition. Call (563) 386-7477. See ad on page 7.
Prediabetes Informational Class, first Wednesday of each month at 3:30 – 4:30, at Genesis Diabetes Care Center, 2535 Maplecrest Rd, Suite 13, Bettendorf, IA. The class is to help those with elevated blood sugars or those at high risk for developing diabetes, to prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. Class is taught by a certified Diabetes Educator. Cost is $20. Call (563)421-3261 to register.
QC Breast Cancer Support Group (Iowa and Illinois): First Tues. of each month from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Unity Point in Bettendorf, 4500 Utica Ridge Road. Third Wed of each month from 11:30-12:30 p.m. Bring your lunch, Butterworth Center, 1105-8th Street, Moline. Third Thurs of each month from 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Gilda’s Club 1234 E. River Drive in Davenport. Support and education for breast cancer survivors. You may attend either or all. Cost: free. Info: Call Pat Conway (563) 355-7548
Genesis Aphasia Support Group Genesis Physical Rehabilitation -Valley Fair, 2720 West Locust Street, Davenport, IA. Second Tues. of month. No Fee. No registration. For more info call Rebecca Rall, Speech Therapist at (563) 421-3495.
Quad Cities Blind and Low Vision Friends Group – meets the third Tuesday of the month at 10 a.m. at CASI. Our group is open to anyone with a visual impairment, a family member, or a caregiver. We offer the opportunity to socialize with others, to share common concerns, and to find ways to overcome difficulties. The goal of the group is to educate, motivate, and empower visually-impaired individuals with regard to not only day-to-day living skills but also community involvement. 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA, (563) 386-7477.
Lewy Body Disease Support Group meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm, at The Fountains Retirement Community, 3726 Thunder Ridge Rd, Bettendorf,IA. Meetings are held in the Club House which is on the left (west) side of the courtyard.. Time and room location may change during the winter months. For info, call Peggy, (563) 388-1095 or Marilyn, (309) 781-6462.
Lewy Body Dementia Caregivers Support Group meets 2nd Thursday of each month at 7 PM. Meeting place is Classroom A in the Larsen Building connected to Genesis Hospital (old Illini Hospital) in Silvis, IL. For more info email qclbdcaregivers@yahoo.com or call 563-340-2137
Caregiver Support Group: (Iowa and Illinois) Second Mon. of each month 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., at Milestones Area Agency on Aging, 935 E. 53rd St., Davenport, Iowa. Hosted by Milestones Area Agency on Aging. For more information, call Karen Coats at (563) 324-9085 ex 227. Cost: free.
Diabetes Support Group at Genesis: First Tues. of each month, 11 a.m. to Noon, Larson Center, Genesis Medical Center, Illini Campus, Silvis, IL For people with diabetes who are interested in receiving help with diabetes self-management. Cost: free. Registration: (309) 792-4389.
Grief Support Group – CASI – A support group for anyone coping with a loss. A loss is a loss and causes grief. Meet with others who have traveled this path. Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a,m. Hosted by Vicky Ertel. Donation accepted. CASI is located at 1035 W. Kimberly Road, Davenport. (563) 386 7477.
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Support Group – Support group for people & family members with multiple sclerosis. Meets 2nd Mon. of every month at Genesis Medical Center West Campus Sunderbruch Room, 2-3:30 p.m. For info, contact Anne Dalton at (563) 322-8709
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Support Group to meet in Iowa – Becky Pilcher will facilitate a MS Support Group. The group meets the 1st Thursday of each month at the Davenport Fairmount Street Library from 6-8pm. This is a support group for people and family members dealing with MS (multiple sclerosis). For more info contact Becky Pilcher (563) 650-0820 or angelbecster50@hotmail.com.
Prostate Cancer: Us, Too, Greater Quad City Cancer Support Group – Support Group for those dealing with Prostate Cancer or who had prostate cancer. Group meets the 3rd Thurs. of each month, except December from 7-9 pm. Location alternates between Trinity Medical Center, 7th St. Campus and the Genesis Adler Health Education Center, 1236 E. Rusholme, Davenport. Call Bill for location information prior to attending: Bill, (309)-799-3621.
Suicide Support Group 2209 3rd Avenue, Rock Island. Christian Care provides a confidential support group to serve and include those who have contemplated or attempted suicide or those coping with the loss of friend or family member due to suicide. First and third Wednesdays of the month, 4 p.m.–5:30 p.m. Call (309) 786 5734 for more information or go to www.christiancareqc.org.
The VIP (Visually Impaired People) Support Group meets first Tues. of every month at 2 p.m. at Lighthouse at Silvis-1900 10th St., Silvis, IL. (Call Heather at (309) 792-2800 for details or to register)
Parkinson’s Support Group – In Illinois: at Active Day center (former Intouch) 4011 Avenue of the Cities, Moline, IL. Meetings are third Monday of the month, 2:00 – 3:30 pm. For info, call Marilyn, social worker, at (309) 781-6462. No reservation needed.
In Iowa: at Ridgecrest Village in the Crest Activity room 4130 Northwest Blvd, Davenport, IA. Meetings are third Saturday of the month, 10:00 am – noon. For info, call Gene Kenyon (563) 549-7890. The public is welcome and parking is free.
Dancing and Dance Classes
The Polka Club of Iowa, Inc (Eastern Chapter) – is sponsoring a dance at the Walcott Coliseum in Walcott, Iowa on Sunday November 10 at 1:00 – 5:00 (note time change for this dance) Eddie Korosa, Jr. Band. Cost $12.00 per person with those 21 and under free. For more information call (563) 284-6340.
Friday Night Country Dance at CASI with Don Coker, November 15 7-10:30pm Couples and singles welcome. $7.00 at the door. 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477.
Line Dancing I at CASI –Tues. mornings 9-11 a.m. Cost: $3. for CASI member $5 for non-member. Free Line Dance lessons 8:30-9 a.m. The Line Dance Lessons prior to the class are free.1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477.
Advanced Line Dancing at CASI Thursday afternoons, 2:30 – 4:00, Cost, $3 for members/$5, non-members
Zumba Gold Class – At CASI Mondays from 10:15–11:15 a.m.; Wednesdays 9-10 a.m.; Thursdays 9-10 a.m. It’s lower impact, easy to follow steps, Latin inspired dance fitness party. Come try Zumba Gold! Members $3 Non-members $5. For more info call (563) 386-7477.
Zumba Gold Toning at CASI Monday mornings 10:15 – 11:15, cost members $3, non-members $5. CASI is located at 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477.
YOGA, Gentle Exercise, and Aquatic Exercise, and Relaxation
Free Lunchtime Meditation Class: Wednesdays noon-12:30 p.m. Learn how to do a simple breathing meditation, no experience required. Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 W. 3rd Street (Entrance on Scott St), Davenport. For more info: (563) 322-1600 MeditateInIowa.org
Meditation Class: Tuesdays at the QC Botanical Center, 2525 4th Avenue Rock Island, 6:45-7:45pm. $5 seniors. All are welcome. Meditation is a beautiful and practical way of finding inner peace, reducing stress and finding solutions to the problems of daily life. For more info: (563) 322-1600 or MeditateInIowa.org.
Aquatic exercise at Two Rivers YMCA 2040 53rd St., Moline. IL, Call (309) 797-3945-MS exercise Tues. & Thurs. at 10:30–11:15 a.m.
Slow and easy water exercise Mon., Wed. & Fri. 8:15 a.m.-9 a.m.; 10:30 a.m.-11:15 a.m.; 11:15 a.m.-noon; 5:15 p.m.-6 p.m. or Tues. and Thurs. 11:15 a.m.-noon.
Low Impact Exercise at CASI 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport. Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9–10 a.m. Cost: $2 for members, $5 non-members. Call (563) 386-7477 for more info.
Tai Chi Ch’un offered at CASI Wed 10:25–11:25 . Scott Caulpetzer instructor. Cost, $24 members $36 non-members for 6 weeks Call (563) 386-7477 for class schedule info as to when next session starts..
Personal reflexology session at CASI with Janet Latchaw 45 minute sessions Wednesdays or Thursdays. Appointments are1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. cost $20. Call (563) 349-5832 for reflexology reservation 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA.
Book Clubs, Movies, Theater Trips and Speakers
Book Club at CASI, 10 am – noon on the first Friday of the month. Call (563) 386-7477 for more information. 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA. Member cost: $2.00
Movie Matinee at CASI – Second Tuesday of the month at 1 p.m. – November 12, “Coyote Lake” Drama/Thriller. Ester and her overbearing mother run a bed-n-breakfast. One night two uninvited guests arrive, threatening the safety of everyone. But the two women are hiding a secret.Sponsored by Eye Surgeons and Silvercrest/Garner Farms..Members $2/Non-Members $5 – 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA. Call (563) 386 7477 for more info.
Classic Movie Matinee at CASI Fourth Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm, – No movie this month. Member’s $2/non-members $5. 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA (563) 368-7477.
Bucktown Revue Third Friday at Nighswander Theatre 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport. Performances start at 7:00pm. For more information email bucktownrevue@gmail.com or call Mike Romney at (563) 940-0508.
Circa 21 in Rock Island, 1838 3rd Avenue, Rock Island, IL “Elf, the Musical” opening Nov. 8 and running thruDec.29. Call (309) 786-7733 or go online at www.circa21.com for showtimes and ticket info.
Circa 21 Concert Special – Thursday, Dec. 5. Blue Christmas: A Rock ‘N Roll Extravaganza. Two shows: Matinee, doors open at 11:45, Lunch at 12 noon, Show at 1:00 cost $50.33 or Evening, doors open 5:45, Dinner at 6:00, Show at 7:15 cost $56.10. Call (309) 786-7733 for tickets and more information.
Ballet Quad Cities – “The Nutcracker” will be presented three times this year. Dec. 14 matinee at 2:30, evening at 7:30 and Dec. 15 matinee at 2:30. Adler Theater, 136 E Third Street, Davenport, Iowa. For more info, call Quad Cities Ballet at (309) 786-3779.
Playcrafters Barn Theater – Friday and Saturday performances start at 7:30, Sunday at 3:00. 4950 35th Avenue, Moline, Illinois. November performance is “Prescription Murder” November 8. 9, 10 & 15, 16, 17. For more info and tickets, call (309) 762-0330.
Richmond Hill Players – presents “A Doublewide, Texas Christmas” November 7, 8, 9, 10 and 14, 15, 16, 17. Thursday – Saturday 7:00 pm and Sunday 3:00pm Geneseo, Illinois. Call (309) 944-2244 for tickets and info.
Festival of Trees Silver Bell Social – Quad City Arts invites seniors age 55 and older to the social at the River Center on Friday, November 22, 9:00 – noon. Besides all of the beautiful displays there will be entertainment on the Center Stage. Cost: $5 at door. River Center South is 136 E Third Street, Davenport, Iowa.
Quad City Music Guild Presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” a musical. Thursday- Saturday, December 5, 6, 7, at 7:30 and Sunday December 8 at 2:00. Prospect Park Auditorium, Moline, Illinois. Call (309) 762-6610 for reservations and more information.
Second Avenue Players of CASI Presents “Whatever Happened to Good Old Ebenezer Scrooge?” Friday, December 13, at 10:30 a m at CASI. Free performance, no reservation needed. 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477
Quad City Arts and CASI are presenting Author Rick Beyer Monday, November 4 at 9:00 a.m. at CASI. Rick is a New York Times best-seller author, an award winning documentary producer and a long time history enthusiast. It is an honor to have him be at CASI. 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477
Clinics, Classes and Lunch and Learn
Brown Bag Series – at CASI. Tues., Nov. 19, 11- 12:15. Learn about the Wapsi. Join Wapsi River Center Naturalist/Director Dave Murcia of the Scott County Conservation Board for a presentation on Birds of Prey. Program will include biology, ecology and habitat. See a live falcon and owls CASI is located at 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, Iowa. (563) 386-7477.
Lunch and Learn at Ridgecrest – Wednesday, November 20. Topic: Recognizing the 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s. Presented by Yolanda Morgan, Community Educator with Alzheimer’s Association. Light refreshments will be served afterwards. To register call Karen (563) 388-3563 or Anne (563) 388-3215 by November 18.
Protecting You From Fraud and Abuse presented by So Ian Security Administration held at CASI on Wed. Nov. 13, 10-11:00 a.m. Courtney Mau, Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Administration will talk about the latest scams targeting older adults and what to do to prevent becoming a victim. The event is free but registration required by Fri., Nov. 8. (563) 386-7477 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA.
Foot Clinics at CASI By appt only. Genesis Foot Clinic provided by Genesis VNA. Check at CASI call (563) 320-3978 for schedule. Cost $22. 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA
Sports, Cards and Games
Cards at the Bettendorf Community Center – Bettendorf Seniors group invites anyone in the Quad Cities, age 50 or over, to join us in playing cards at the Bettendorf Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf. We play “500” every Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-3 pm, Euchre and Pinochle are also available. Coffee and snacks served following games. We have a potluck at 12 noon on the second Tues. of each month. We celebrate Birthdays the third Tues. of each month. Membership is available for $12 per year. For more info please contact: Maxine Hansohn at MHansohn@MelFosterCo.com or call Maxine at 563-370-9088
Duplicate Bridge – ACBL Sanctioned Bridge Games – Quad Cities Bridge League – Duplicate For Duffers – Tuesday/Thursday evenings 6:30 to 10 p.m. and/or Wednesday afternoons 12:00 to 3:30. $5 or $6 per game. Please arrive 30 minutes before game time. Held at the Herbert Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant Street, Bettendorf, Iowa. For more info, please call George at (563) 355-4850.
Shuffleboard at CASI: Mon. 2:15–3:45 pm, $2 for Member. Mary Anne Maxwell.
Billiards at CASI: In the CASI Game Room. Two billiards tables and one big screen TV Cost $1 for Member. NEW Women’s Pool League Monday from 2:30 – 4:30. Members $1/ non- members $2. CASI is located at 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA. Call (563) 386-7477 for more info.
Cards & Games at CASI – Pinochle – Wed., 1-3:45 p.m.; Bridge – Mon. and Fri. 12:30–3:45 p.m.; Euchre Thurs. and Fri. 12:45-3:45 p.m.; Canasta Tues. 1-3 pm; Cribbage Wed. 1-3 pm; Bunco Wed 2 p.m. All games are $2 Member and $5 non-member at Center for Active Seniors, Inc. (CASI) 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Call CASI at (563) 386-7477 for more info.
Bingo at CASI Fridays at 12:30 pm. Sandwiches and snacks available at Eleanor’s Café. Until 1 p.m.
Evening Bingo – at CASI 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA every Wednesdays. Doors open at 5 pm. Call (563) 386-7477 for more info.
Bingo on Credit Island sponsored by Friends of Credit Island. Wednesday at 2200 W. River Drive. Doors & kitchen open at 4:30 pm. Games start at 6 pm. Questions? Call Bingo Bob at (563) 529-3080.
Milan Lions Wednesday Night Bingo, at the Camden Center, Milan, IL. Doors open at 4:00, Earlier Bird Game at 6:15pm. Games start at 6:30pm sharp. Questions? Call Harry at (309) 787-5000.
Arts, Performing Arts, Crafts, Knitting and Sewing
CASI’s Theater aka Second Avenue Players – Friday’s 10:30 – 11:30 am Cost: $2 – Call (563) 386 7477 for more information
CASI’s Bob Gaston New Horizons Band of the Quad Cities – on winter break.
CASI’s Golden Tones Chorus – Friday 9:00 – 10:00, Cost $2- Call (563) 386-7477 for more information.
CASI’s Silver Lining Bell Choir – Monday 9:30 – noon. Interested? Contact Dave Smith at (309) 755-8934 or dave.smith@sbcglobal.net
CASI Art Classes:- (563) 386 7477
Ceramics I – Monday 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Mary Ellen Dregger. Cost per class: Members $7, Non-Members $9.
Ceramics II – Tuesday 9:30 a.m.-Noon- and 1-3 p.m. with Dar Hanssen Cost: Members $7 per class in morning, $9 all day, Non-Members $11 per class in the morning, $12 all day. Class size limited.
Ceramics I & II – Friday 9-11 a.m. $7 for member $9 for non-member.
Sewing Ugly Quilts at CASI – Mondays, 8 – 11 a.m.
Instructor: No cost, No Sewing experience necessary.
CASI, 1035 W Kimberly Rd, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477
Crocheting and Knitting at CASI – Tuesday 12:30 – 2:30 led by Donna Curtis, no cost – Make hats, scarves & mittens for children and the homeless.
Other Events
West High School Class of ‘65 Luncheons –
Over the last 3 years classmates from the West High, class of ‘65 have gathered to celebrate friendships and high school memories. Lunches at noon, on last Wednesday of every month at Hickory Gardens Restaurant on Hickory Grove Rd. Invitation open to any class between ‘61 and ‘64 and friends. Any West High grads looking to share laughs, memories and friendships, we are glad to welcome you. Please join us and after the first time you will be glad you came. Contact Robert Graff at golfmadeeasy46@gmail.com.
The Davenport Breakfast Lions Club meets 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month, at 6:30 am, at Hickory Gardens Restaurant on Hickory Grove Road Davenport, IA. The Lions organization worldwide is one of largest service groups in the world. Explore exciting local membership with the Breakfast Club. A special invitation goes to all VETERANS of our Armed Services…for additional information contact, Ken Meyer (563) 344-9288.
Rock Island County Senior Center/Project NOW
Congregate Meals served Daily:Rock Island County Senior Center, 2221 11th St., Rock Island – Lunch Available Mon. thru Fri. at 11 am; Westwood Terrace, 2200 1st St. A, Moline – Lunch Available Mon. thu Fri. at 11 am; Colona House; 54 41st Ave, East Moline – Lunch Available Mon. thu Fri. at 11 am; 1st United Methodist Church; 9412 228th St. N, Port Byron – Lunch Available Tues. thru Thurs. at 11 am; Edgington Presbyterian Church; 13228 140th St. West, Edgington – Lunch Available Mon. and Thurs. at 11 am; American Legion Hall; 501 N Main St., Reynolds – Lunch Available on Tuesdays at 11 am. *If interested in a lunch at one of the Sites, please contact Senior Center at 309-788-6335 by noon the day prior to reserve a lunch. **Suggested Donation of $3 per meal
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) at CASI, 1035 W. Kimberly Rd, Davenport, Wednesdays, Weigh-in 11-Noon; Meeting noon-1 p.m. Cost: $1. (563) 386 7477.
Red Hat Luncheon First Tuesday of month 12 p.m. Departs CASI at 11:30 a.m. Call Joy Andrews at CASI (563) 386-7477 for more info.
Meals for Seniors at First Presbyterian Church, LeClaire every Mon., Wed. and Fri. at 12 p.m. Good food & time to visit with others. Call (563) 324-9085, make a reservation 2 days in advance.
Veterans Breakfast at CASI Thursday Nov. 7, 7:45-9:00 a.m. Free for Veterans, $7 for CASI members, $9 for non-members. Enjoy a delicious breakfast honoring those that have served our country. Veterans, Active -duty Military and ROTC are FREE. Registration deadline is Tues. Nov. 7. (563) 386-7477 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA.
CASI Thanksgiving Luncheon presented by Jaycees of the Quad Cities Tues. Nov. 26, 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. cost: $9 for members/$18 for non-members. Enjoy this annual event provided by the Jaycees. Door prizes, a 50/50 raffle and live entertainment. Get your tickets at CASI front desk. 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport, IA (563) 386-7477.
Want your organization or event listed on this page?
Send information to us via email to:
publisher@50pluslife.com – Attn: Eloise.
(Info due by the 10th of each month!)
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