November 27, 2019
Two Centarians Honored
By Chris White
Marketing and PR Coordinator
Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging
Milestones Area Agency on Aging co-hosted a Centenarian Celebration with the Iowa Department on Aging in conjunction with our Family Caregiver Conference in Ottumwa on November 2nd. It was a pretty special event and is the inspiration for this month’s article.
One hundred years is almost hard to fathom. The number of changes and progress that a Centenarian has seen must be amazing. I see all the changes and progress that has been made in just my lifetime and I’m flabbergasted. The two Centenarians that attended our celebration, Marie Nason and Orval Hradek, have experienced the great depression, a world war, a moon landing, the civil rights movement, a few more wars, the Age of Aquarius, the end of the cold war, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the invention of the internet, and countless personal experiences that make up a lifetime.
Marie Nason turned 101 this year and has spent her entire life in Iowa. She has two daughters, five grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. She told us that she considers her life’s greatest accomplishment is living to be over a century. So, what’s in the secret sauce for reaching 101 years of age for Marie? Being active, thinking young, and a healthy diet. Good advice, Marie.
Orval Hradek was born in Wellman, Iowa 100 years ago and has also lived in Washington and Minnesota before coming back to Iowa to farm the land. Orval survived his loving wife and has two sons, seven grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandson. Orval’s biggest life accomplishment is being a successful farmer. His secret blend of herbs and spices for a long life? Clean living, not smoking or drinking, and being a devoted Christian.
Orval has a great sense of humor. He talked to us about some of the programs Milestones offers, but he was just checking for later. He assured us he’s not old enough to need assistance just yet. He also commented to Marie how exciting it was to be seated next to “an older woman” when we took a group picture.
Our honorees really seemed to enjoy themselves and all the attention they were getting for such an amazing milestone. Milestones is thrilled to have worked with the Iowa Department on Aging for this fantastic celebration. To learn more about Milestones and the programs Orval just wasn’t quite old enough to need yet call 1-855-410-6222 or visit
Chris White is Marketing and PR Coordinator at Milestones Area Agency on Aging. He can be reached at (563) 484-3147 or at cwhite@milestones
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