July 1, 2021
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.
Our Nation of Strong Shoulders
Our nation is a nation of strong
Shoulders, many strong shoulders
All over this land. You never know
Where you’ll find them, they are
Everywhere. Women with strong
Shoulders provide for a family,
One job at home, one away paid.
Men with strong shoulders work
Extra shifts for their kids. Just
Two examples. We are a country
Blessed, millions of buff, sturdy
Shoulders, hard deltoid shields,
Durable, inviolable. We are a
People from many lands used to
Laying a shoulder into what needs
To be done, difficult to near
Impossible, but we always get it
Done. We believe in powerful
Shoulders. Strong shoulders lift,
Strong shoulders push, strong
Shoulders move, strong shoulders
Do whatever it takes. They made
Our America we celebrate July 4th.
Little Leaguer at Bat
The Little Leaguer, tyke of a guy,
Swings hard, as he always has the
Games he got to play. Sound of
This swing is different. No whiff
Of air, a strange event, a sound of
Of the bat taking a hit from a
Powerful external force, a small
Sphere clad in cowhide. He hears
His parents yell, a new tone he’s
Not heard before, their voices
Sharp, crisp, pitch rising. This is
Different right off the bat. He looks
Up to see the ball trace a near
Parabola to clear the fence. He
Thinks: the ball went over the fence.
Someone did that. His coach yells
For him to run. So he runs. He’s the
Boy who hit the ball that went over the
Fence above the ad for white bread
That builds strong young bodies. The
Little Leaguer who always strikes out
Just hit a mighty homerun for his team.
Filed Under: Family, Personal Growth
Trackback URL: https://www.50pluslife.com/2021/07/01/a-pause-for-poetry-7/trackback/