October 1, 2021
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles
Seagull with French Fry
A gray and white seagull atop
A light standard above a fast
Food franchise descries a
French fry tossed out a car
Window, he thinks just for
Him. He swoops down and
Grabs his golden prize, and
Returns to his aluminum aerie.
Each salty bite, he shrills gull
Pleasure, this is the life he
Seems to say. Now he hungers
For more of the fast food life.
Far from the sea, Iowa is now
Home, home of free fries, fried
Fish, and hamburger, too. Hold
The mayo and keep the bun,
And fries, please, just not one.
Cat on Sofa
The cat jumps onto the sofa,
Looking for a lap. Laps sit down
Rather regularly here this time
Of day, in the shank of the
Afternoon. The cat knows when
To take a lap, when to take a nap.
She prefers a nap on a lap, the
Best of both her worlds. She spends
The afternoon purring on the laps
Of the household, loves the way they
Stroke her fur and purr in their own
Way, rather un-catlike, but purring
Anyway. She yawns. This afternoon
Has been pure purrdom, and now it’s
Time to dine on kibble.
Filed Under: Humor, Personal Growth
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