Archive for July, 2022
Flexitarian 101
By Nina Struss RDN, LDN Hy-Vee Registered Dietician (515) 695-3779 Are you looking to power up your plate with plant-based foods? A flexitarian diet may be for you! A flexitarian diet is a “mostly” vegetarian diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and le...
Beat the Summer Heat
By Logan Anderson, BA, CPT, CIFT Owner of All Strong Fitness LLC We are in the full summer swing, offering us plenty of opportunities for grill outs, backyard bags tournaments, and plenty of social time with friends and family. The summer is a wonderful time of year for these reasons and many more...
Thirty-Five Year Celebration By Eloise Graham This year, 50+ Lifestyles celebrates 35 years of publication. In 1987, Russ Myers of Bettendorf thought there should be a publication geared for the aging population. Sure, there was AARP the Magazine, but that was a national publication. Russ envisio...
July Facts, History and July 4th Trivia
By Eloise Graham July is the seventh month of the year. It has 31 days. The birthstone is the ruby and the flower is the Larkspur or the Water Lily. July was originally the month of Quintilis in the Roman calendar. It was the fifth month of the year until January and February were added in 450 BC....