December 1, 2022

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.

Child’s Play

Children find a secret way through
The hedge to the forest. In the shrub,
Under the leaves, in shadow dappled
With light, they discover bits and
Pieces here and there, in nooks and
Crannies, of who they are and might
Become. It is a life rite, this kid cult
Passage, part occult and imaginary.
Kids conjure dreams and games in
A secret world, find their way back
Through the hedge before dinner
Hour with Mom and Dad.

I Am Sugar

I am sugar, at your sweet service. My
Confections all around abound. I feed
Your sweet tooth, give you what you
Crave, humungous sugar high, higher
Than Mount Olympus, home of the
Greek gods. Grab a candy bar, ice
Cream cone, soda most anywhere, eat
It quick, get my sugar fix, atomic
Saccharine high, you get with me. I am
Sugar, I am sweet to you, I give you
Sweets, the best sweet treats. I thank|
You for your sweet tweets praising me.
I am sugar, at your sweet service,
Wherever sweet treats are found. I am
Found in most any food around.
Sweetly Yours, I am Sugar.

Filed Under: Family, Health & Wellness

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