December 1, 2022
The Twelfth Month of the Calendar Year
By Eloise Graham
Twelve trivia facts about Hanukkah and Christmas
Six Hanukkah facts
- Hanukkah or Chanukah is also known as the Festival of Lights.
- In Hebrew, Hanukkah means dedication.
- Traditional Hanukkah foods include jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot),potato pancakes (latkes) and chocolate coins.
- The dreidel is a four sided “spinning top” originally made of clay. Each side has a different Hebrew word on it. Whatever side is facing up when the dreidel quits spinning gives instructions to the spinner.
- The Hanukkah menorah has nine branches.
- Candles are lit in the menorah. By the end of the festival, eight days, a total of 44 candles have been lit.
Six Christmas facts
- The story of Jesus’ birth is found in the Book of Luke in the Bible.
- The Prophet Isaiah foretold of a virgin that would give birth to a son who would be called Immanuel.
- Mary and Joseph traveled to the city of Bethlehem for the census. Bethlehem is also known as the City of David.
- The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she was with child.
- King Herod was the king in power that ordered all infant boys be killed. He had heard that a king was born and he wanted all baby Jewish boys be killed.
- Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus fled into Egypt.
The dates of Hanukkah and Christmas
This year, Hanukkah will begin at sundown on Sunday December 18 and end in the evening of Monday December 26. Hanukkah dates vary on the Gregorian calendar, but will always start on the 25th day of the month of Kislev on the Jewish calendar.
Christmas will always be on the 25th day of December on the Gregorian calendar.
Filed Under: History
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