March 1, 2023
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.
Just for You
I will go into the woods today and
Pick a splendid, lush fern and wet
It in the rhythm of a stream,
Cadenced with the grace notes of
Birds and the susurrations of leaves
In the trees, and I will wield that
Wild fern, dipped in the joyous
Sounds of the woods, to write a
Poem just for you.
I see your hair in the tall grass,
I see your arms in the branches
Of the trees, I see your face
Smile in the leaves, I hear you
Whisper in the eaves. Your
Gentle voice rides the thin warm
Air, susurrus on the buoyant
Breeze, you are here and
Everywhere I go.
Filed Under: Family
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