May 31, 2023

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.




Sugar Estate

Life is good on the sugar estate,
So lush, resplendent, so sweet,
That estate just over the near
Beyond. Dreams cavort and
Gambol on that near far sugar
Land, they ramble the candy
Land every night and oft by
Day. We love life on the sugar
Estate, the land we call home,
That land where sugar roams.


Rocks of Memory

Rocks adorn the grass, they grace
Broad lawns in lush valleys and on
Far rolling hills, they stand in memory
On many sacred places for those gone
From us. These rocks lift above the
Grass, somber sentinels guarding our
Beloved departed, they beckon us
Reflect before them and recall their
Love for us and the lives they lived we
Cherish. Now they have traveled on,
Traveled on to a higher realm, beyond
The earth of their birth where the last of
What they were of earth lies. They have
Traveled, traveled on, traveled on beyond
The earth of their birth, traveled on,
Beyond these rocks of granite and marble
They left behind, to remind us they were
Here for us, and they loved us.

Filed Under: Community, Family

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