June 1, 2024

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.

Other Realm

The land spreads before me in amber eventide
As scintillant rays of the setting sun tincture
In resplendent relief wispy, fugitive clouds
Before my upswept eyes.
All that is real in the day releases its fastness
And gives way to what glimmers as night
Forecloses on the sun.
Now the land of sun retreats, embarks on the
Other realm, that distant topography of mind
Where dreams thrive in the night, away from
The besetting glare of the sun.


From These Shores

From these shores of emptiness and depletion,
Let hope rise, let it lift and loft into the skies,
And may it join the sun and shine down on us.
From these shores of emptiness and depletion,
May life move us out of ourselves and into the
World beyond, under the sun.
And through these shores may sparkling water
Always course strong,
Lively, vivid, pure, and unmolested.
And may the water of our lives always shine,
Running free under the sun,
Running far beyond to the shining sea.

Filed Under: Personal Growth

Trackback URL: https://www.50pluslife.com/2024/06/01/a-pause-for-poetry-42/trackback/