July 1, 2024

YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office

By Cristina Vital
Social Security Manager
Rock Island Social Security Office


Scammers are always finding new ways to steal your money and personal information. The best way to defeat scammers is to know how to identify scams and to ignore suspicious calls and emails.

One common tactic scammers use is posing as federal agents or other law enforcement officials. They may claim your Social Security number (SSN) is linked to a crime. They may even threaten to arrest you if you do not follow their instructions. Here are three things you should do:

  1. Hang up right away or do not reply to the email.
  2. Never give personal information or payment of any kind.
  3. Report the scam at oig.ssa.gov to immediately notify the law enforcement team in our Office of the Inspector General.

You should continue to remain vigilant if you receive a phone call from someone who claims there’s a problem with your SSN or your benefits. If you owe money to us, we will mail you a letter explaining your rights, payment options, and information about appealing.

When trying to identify if a call or email is a scam, remember we will never:

  • Threaten you with benefit suspension, arrest, or other legal action.
  • Promise a benefit increase or other assistance in exchange for payment.
  • Require payment by retail gift card, cash, wire transfer, internet currency, or prepaid debit card.
  • Demand secrecy from you in handling a Social Security-related problem.
  • Send official letters or reports containing personally identifiable information via email.

For more information on scams please visit www.ssa.gov/scam. Please share this information with anyone who may need it.


Identity theft is when someone uses your personal information to impersonate you or steal from you. It is important that you stay safe online. Please review these data privacy and identity protection resources:

  1. A great online resource is www.ssa.gov/myaccount. You can visit this page to open a secure my Social Security account, keep track of your earnings record, and identify any suspicious activity.
  2. Our blog post, “Protect Yourself from Identity Thieves,” helps you understand how to spot, prevent, and report identity theft. You can check out this blog at blog.ssa.gov/protect-yourself-from-identity-thieves.
  3. In our blog post, “Protect Your Online Identity With Strong Passwords,” we encourage better password habits to keep online data and accounts safe and secure. You can check out this blog for tips to help make sure passwords are strong at blog.ssa.gov/protect-your-online-identity-with-strong-passwords.
  4. Our blog post, “Protecting Yourself from QR Code Fraud,” provides details to help safeguard  from using Quick Response (QR) codes that may compromise your personal information. You can read this blog at blog.ssa.gov/protecting-yourself-from-qr-code-fraud.
  5. Fraudsters use Social Security scams to mislead victims into making cash, gift card, or wire transfer payments to fix alleged Social Security number problems. Learn how to spot scams, check out our blog post “Social Security’s Top 5 Scam Awareness Articles” at blog.ssa.gov/social-securitys-top-5-scam-awareness-articles.

We encourage you to help protect your vital information. Please share these resources with your loved ones.


We continue to find ways to make doing business with us easier. With our Social Security Video Connect option, you can conduct business with us using video on your personal device, from your preferred location.

Social Security Video Connect is available for:

  • No-change replacement Social Security cards (U.S. citizens only).
  • Date of birth corrections (U.S. citizens only).
  • Benefit applications.
  • Redeterminations.
  • Overpayments.
  • Medicare.

How to get started:

To get started with this new service, you will need a computer, tablet, or smart phone with a webcam and internet access. Once you have your device, please complete the following steps:

  1. Contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday to schedule a video appointment. A representative will determine if a video appointment is appropriate for you. If a video appointment isn’t appropriate for your needs, we can conduct the interview over the phone or in the office.
  2. Provide your email address and phone number to receive an email with a link for the Microsoft Teams meeting.
  3. Connect with us using that Microsoft Teams meeting link on the date and time of your appointment.

If you run into issues with Teams or need to reschedule your appointment, please contact your local Social Security office or call 1-800-772-1213.

We strive to improve our customer service and increase the ways you can connect with us. Please share this information with your friends and family who may need it – and post it on social media

Filed Under: Finance, News, Retirement, Technology

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