October 1, 2024

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.


Inner Pendulum

Swings now the inner pendulum,
To and fro the inner sanctum.
Our psyche rises and descends,
Oscillates over ephemeral ends.
Across this defining inner arc,
Conscience defies the dark,
And to each terrestrial birth,
Confers a way to transit Earth.
Our pendulum is a mighty power,
It arcs and lifts us, hour by hour.


Twilight Into Night

The evening paints lavender, gold, and rose,
As my day fades to its foreordained close.
The western sky is alight to my delight,
As palette of twilight makes shift to night.
The world has its mute diurnal ways,
Eternal exchange of nights and days.
This eternal round seems so profound,
Each eve I linger long into sundown.
Now the deep dark is around me falling,
And I feel a sense of awe so enthralling.

Filed Under: Personal Growth

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