November 1, 2024
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.
Beacon Light
Ready to reveal, the light concealing,
Set to illuminate true, steadfast feeling.
The fraught riotous context of the Earth,
So complicates our transit from birth.
Impedimenta dark upon the riven terrain,
Press upon the flesh, vast terrestrial pain.
The light never deigns darkness to abide,
Spirit unveils the healing freedom inside.
Now thrust aside the shadow that darkens,
Hold high the beacon light that hearkens!
Our Windows Glow
Our windows glow against the night,
From outside, they cut quite a sight!
Light on dark is the true duality here,
The vaunted contrast foreclosing fear.
Let there be light!, that timeless phrase,
Highlights long nights and trying days.
When light does not shine for all to see,
That is the dire prelude to dark tragedy!
It is elemental to keep light burning eternal,
To keep our lives from turning full infernal!
Filed Under: Health & Wellness, Personal Growth
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