February 4, 2019
Upcoming Caregiver Conference
By Sheila Mooney
Community Relations Director
Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging
You are a caregiver if you…
- Take your mother to the doctor
- Grocery shop for your neighbor
- Help pay bills for a senior
- Wash laundry for your father
- Help raise your grandchildren
- Take a senior to church
- Help your spouse with personal cares
- Help someone with any daily task
Most people who help their family members or friends who are older adults don’t see themselves as caregivers; but a caregiver is ANYONE who helps an older person with household chores, errands, personal care or finances-so that they can remain independent and be safe.
Family Caregivers can find a wealth of information free of charge at the upcoming Quad City Family Caregiver Conference on Saturday, March 23rd, 2019 from 8:00 a.m. – Noon at St. Ambrose University-Rogalski Center.
Caregivers can enjoy a free half-day of exhibitors and speakers. The goal of the Quad City Family Caregiver Conference is to empower individuals and families in their role as caregivers by providing a venue to make the search for resources and information easier. For more information on our upcoming conference contact Sheila Mooney, Community Relations Director at 563-484-3147, or smooney@milestonesaaa.org. And to learn more about Milestones Area Agency on Aging Family Caregiver Support Groups contact Karen Coats, Family Caregiver Specialist at 563-484-3109, or kcoats@milestonesaaa.org
Sheila Mooney is Community Relations Director at Milestones Area Agency on Aging. She can be reached at (563) 484-3147 or at smooney@milestones aaa.org
Filed Under: News, Personal Growth
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