August 3, 2021

Stressed? Breathe.

By Logan Anderson, BA, CPT, CIFT
Owner of All Strong Fitness LLC

Have you been stressed recently? I know I have been. In fact, I can’t think of a single day where I haven’t been stressed even a little bit. The fact of the matter is that stress is part of life. Believe it or not, stress is actually good in some situations. The key is having the right balance of stress. Having too much stress in your job will lead to burnout, while having just the right amount will lead you to perform and grow as an employee. Having too much stress in your life will likely make you anxious, while having the right amount will allow you to find meaning and value in your everyday activities. Balancing good and bad stress is sometimes difficult. The good thing is that there are numerous ways to manage stress in your daily lives. Today we are going to touch on an activity that we do everyday, but likely forgot how to do it meaningfully. You guessed it: breathing.

Breathing? Seriously? You are probably thinking to yourself, “I know how to breathe.” Sure. Don’t get me wrong, we all know how to breathe. Your body is actually wonderful because it essentially does it for you. Unfortunately, this is a blessing and a curse. Since our body can breathe without us consciously thinking about it, breathing intentionally is often forgotten about. The key word here is intentional. With the addition of intentional, deep breathing in our lives, stress and anxiety can be managed much easier. The following paragraph will give a few easy to follow tips on incorporating some deep breathing into your lives.

When it comes to relaxation and deep breathing, ideally you will find a quiet, dark place to be in. Next, some individuals like laying down, while others prefer sitting in a comfortable chair. I prefer the chair, however you can find what you enjoy for yourself. The key is finding a position that allows your muscles all around your body to relax. Next you can begin the breathing. Focus on inhaling through your belly, and releasing the air through your nose. I enjoy following a cadence of equal breathing, holding, and releasing. Typically this will be a three second inhale, three second hold, and three second release. When doing this, it will likely feel uncomfortable at first. Be consistent, and start small with 3-5 minutes of deep breathing first. Over time you can add more if you desire or would like to. REMEMBER, just like everything in life, learning to breathe properly takes practice. Some days will be easier to relax, while others will be more tricky.

Incorporating some focused, deep breathing in your life can work wonders. I have personally noticed a vast improvement in sleep quality since implementing it into my life. In addition, another great thing about it is that you can practice breathing properly anywhere. Although I gave tips on making the experience the most optimal, you can practice breathing on your drive across town, waiting in line at a restaurant, or during your grandkids soccer game. Regardless, it can and will help you both acutely and long term to keep your physical and mental health in check.

For more information please contact Logan Anderson, owner of All Strong Fitness LLC. He can be reached at (563) 210-3701 or by email:

Filed Under: Health & Wellness

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