August 1, 2024

A Pause for Poetry

By Gary Heath
Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles.




Terrestrial Odyssey

The sublime magnitude of what is, the fierce
Beauty of nature, the innate, ornate duende of
Humanity awe, sequelae to our Earth births.
Under cerulean skies, we intuit, we sense, grand
Supernal schemes beyond our mortal ken. And
We yearn to know what lies beyond the veil.
This is the clarifying subtext of our toil in soil
In the fields and orchards of our time, and all
Our bright memories on our terrestrial odyssey.


The Land Imagined

The undulating, fertile land unfolds in brocaded
Fields and woods toward the far westering vista,
Highlit in gleaming amber, in the setting sun.
The broad, vernal earthen quilt, straight and
Serpentine, crisscrosses seeming seamless
Textile from afar, texture of reality and fantasy,
To the beguiled eye. The horizon stretches in
Imagination, the mind construes in myriad ways
Our lives upon the land. On this earth of our
Birth, soil and toil work and imagine far to the
Crepuscular time of eventide, and beyond to
Dawn, till another scintillant day upon the land.

Filed Under: Community, Personal Growth

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