September 30, 2014

Duffle Bags Made for ‘Stand Down for Veterans’ Event

By Lucille Mumma
Public Relations Director
Rock Island County Home and Community Education Assn.

On June 4, several members of the Cordova and Riverdale Home Extension units gathered at the Cordova Library to fulfill a request by Nancy Edlund, Community Outreach Director for RI Co., to make 100 duffle bags, approx. 30” x 45”, for homeless veterans to be distributed at Stand Down for Veterans in September. The units, led by Linda Johnson and Linda Klyman, had collected durable fabric, cording, thread, and basic directions, and began to construct such bags. Some measured and cut fabric for bags and straps; some did pressing tasks; many brought sewing machines and supplies and began sewing. Materials were cut for about 60 bags. Some were completed while others took home sets to complete at home.

When the day was finished, a date was set for July 22 to once again congregate and continue the work. On Tuesday, July 22, the process continued for about seven more hours. Thirty-five completed bags were delivered to the office with about twenty-five sets still in the hands of dedicated workers to be completed by September. Eventually, 70 bags were made and donated.

Another workday on September 12 was held at Christ Church in Moline, sponsored by two units that are based in the Quad-City area to continue to construct bags. Members from Busy Bees and Town and Country unit worked and completed 43 more bags.

The request for 100 bags was definitely met and were enjoyed by the veterans as they met on September 17-19.

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