July 26, 2016
Join Elevate Aging Statewide Conversations August 4
By Peggy Dykes
Community Relations Director
Milestone’ Area Agency on Aging
“Join the Conversation” aims to continue a statewide discussion about issues like the changing dynamics between generations…
Iowans are living longer than ever before, with one out of every five residents now aged 60 or older. That number is expected to grow over the next few decades, with the vast majority of individuals stating they would prefer to age in place, in their homes and communities of choice. To ensure that option is a viable one, a comprehensive network of long-term supports and services will have to be available statewide, and older Iowans will need to know how to access those resources.
Are Iowa communities equipped to offer the wide range of services aging individuals will need to maintain their long-term independence? Do older Iowans and their families know what types of services they need and which ones are available locally? And how will Iowa adapt to ensure its aging population will be able to maintain the highest quality of life possible?
Those questions and others will be discussed during a special statewide event when the Elevate Aging Collaborative presents “Join the Conversation: Iowa Dialogue on Helping Older Adults Maintain the Highest Quality of Life Possible” on Thursday, August 4, from 10 a.m. to noon at Milestones Area Agency on Aging, 935 E. 53rd Street, Davenport, IA.
With community conversations taking place in other Iowa towns, “Join the Conversation” aims to continue a statewide discussion about issues like the changing dynamics between generations; the challenges of caregiving; the financial considerations of elder care; and the realities of aging, both physical and mental. As Iowans share their thoughts, concerns, opinions, and ideas, they will be documented and shared with all Iowans and, in particular, policymakers and Iowa leaders.
The non-partisan event is free and open to the public. For additional information, call LifeLong™ Links at (866) 468-7887.
Peggy Dykes is Community Relations Director at Milestones Area Agncy on Aging. She can be reached at (563) 324-9085, ext. 212 or at pdykes@milestonesaaa.org.
Filed Under: Community, Family, Health & Wellness
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