May 31, 2017

What is the Most Annoying Sound to You?

By Dr. Molly Parker, Audiologist and Owner
Parker Audiolology, P.C.

What is the most annoying sound to you?? Many sounds are created to be annoying, but not so alarming that you freeze up. For example your cell phone has many kinds of alerting signals to get your attention. Other alerting signals include store alarms, restaurants, physicians’ offices, and airplanes. One article indicated that there are over 1,000 sounds in an ICU in a hospital — all sound scary and alarming — but only 8 indicate a truly life threatening situation.

Annoying sound is not well defined here, but psychological measurements are obtained regarding the annoyance of sounds. For example. fast sounds are more alarming. Two toned sounds are also more alarming. Surprisingly, the lowest pitch they use for annoying sounds is 1,000 Hz., which is close to the Middle C on a piano. It is also clear that a human voice — even non-sensical human sounds — will get more attention than a tone.  As an audiologist, alerting sounds in the environment need to be considered for the hearing impaired.

For more information about suggestions on alerting tones for Weather Radios, Fire Alarms, Phone Ringing, and Alarm Clocks, contact Parker Audiology, P.C. at (563) 326-5441. There are many solutions for the hearing impaired— and for the normal hearing too!

In other News….Restaurant Acoustics

It is a happy discovery that restaurants are finally listening to us… sort of.  A new discovery from owners of new urban restaurants indicates that owners are considering the acoustics of their new restaurants. They are hearing that patrons are not eating at restaurants where they cannot hear their companions.  Room acoustics has long been a hot topic for school classrooms. This is now getting attention in the food industry– especially refurbished buildings where acoustics have never been considered before.

So next time you write a review for a restaurant, consider the acoustics and make those comments- this will help others select their favorite restaurants.

I’d love to hear from you- if you have a favorite restaurant that is also acoustically quieter, please share with me!! I will blog about it for you. Contact me at 

Dr. Molly Parker has been practicing Audiology in the Quad Cities for 17 years. She is the owner of Parker Audiology, PC. Call Dr. Alison Soto, Dr. Tricia Gross or Dr. Molly Parker today for an appointment at (563) 265-8003.

Filed Under: Health & Wellness, News

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