March 27, 2018
April Bowers, Flowers and Showers
By Eloise Graham
Definition according to the dictionary: a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants in a garden or wood. April can provide some lush bowers under the dogwood and the tulip tree. The forsythia bush can also add spring color and pleasantness to the woodland bower. The morning glory and sweet pea are both climbing plants. Give them an arbor trellis or archway to grow and cling to and they will provide a pleasant colorful bower.
April has two flowers of the month; the daisy and the sweet pea. Daisies come in many forms and sizes. Most common is the white petal with golden center, often small. delicate and growing wild in the fields. However there are hybrids.Some of these are various shades of pink and rose colored petals or the deep blue of the larger bloomed variety. Did you know that the daisy is a perennial species, flowering in April and continuing throughout much of the growing season? The sweet pea is a hardy vine, a perennial that will spread throughtout the area if left unchecked.
April Showers bring May flowers…
We have all heard that. But what is the average rainfall for April? The chart that I found said that in the Quad Cities 3.5 inches is average for April… but May’s average is 4.8 inches of precipitation. Hopefully, May’s rain will not wash away the flowers that are blooming.
Have a glorious floral April.
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