Archive for Family
Ella’s Kitchen
January, a new beginning! Did you make resolutions for a cleaner house? Well, here are some household hints using simple things you might have around the house. These are natural substances, not harsh chemicals. The other added ingredient is good old elbow grease. Ella [Ella can be contacted at pu...
Calendar of Events | December 2023
If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. Box 2125, Davenport, IA, 52809 Attn: Eloise or email: Attn: Eloise. Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month you want activity listed. Support Grou...
Aging and You
Home for the Holidays – The Spirit of Giving By Julie Arndt Marketing Director at Ridgecrest Village We are all familiar with the phrase ‘home for the holidays.’ I truly love this time of year. Being the youngest of six children growing up on a farm in northern Iowa, I have very fond memo...
Helpful Holiday Solutions – Cook Once, Eat Twice Meal Ideas
By Melissa Jaeger RD, LD Hy-Vee Registered Dietician (515) 695-3773 The holidays are busy enough without having to meal plan every night! While cook once, eat twice meal solutions might sound unachievable between the hustle and bustle of holiday events, shopping, work, ...
Ask the Audiologist
Understanding Hearing Loss: What causes it and if I have hearing loss will it get worse? By Ali Carmichael, Au.D. Audiology Consultants, P.C. For most people hearing loss is a medical condition they are aware of and in most situations, they may even know someone with hearing loss, however, people...
Ella’s Kitchen
Enjoy the holidays with a cup of cheer. All of these can be enjoyed without alcohol. Use sparkling water, club soda, 7-Up, ginger ale or ginger beer for the champagne or vodka. Instead of rum, use a cola, Dr. Pepper or root beer. Have a blessed December. Ella [Ella can be contacted at publisher@5...
Finding Comfort and Joy in Remembrance
By Devin Hansen Milestones Area Agency on Aging For those who have lost a close family member, the holidays are an especially hard time. And not just the celebration itself, but the little things that remind us of that person. The scent of a certain candle, the feel of a favorite blanket. Hearin...
Your Advocacy Connection
We Solve Long Term Care Problems Holidays and Jousting with the White Knight By Gail Glockhoff-Long GolderCare Solutions Benefits Advocate A reoccurring theme with our client families is the White Knight (WK) syndrome. The WK is often the family member who lives at the greatest physical dis...