Archive for Family
Mental Health Advice
By Mike Mathews Milestones Area Agency on Aging May was Mental Health Month in America. It serves a great opportunity to not only bring awareness to various mental health issues, but also recognize and support our own mental health. For the senior population, this is more important than ever. Ac...
National Camping Month
By Mary Schricker Gemberling “Wander Often, Wonder Always”......Anonymous Those of you who have followed my articles know how much I enjoy traveling in the RV. Last Thursday we headed to the Quad Cities for our 2023 inaugural camping trip to celebrate Mother’s Day with our Iowa kids and gran...
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles. Sugar Estate Life is good on the sugar estate, So lush, resplendent, so sweet, That estate just over the near Beyond. Dreams cavort and Gambol on that near far sugar Land, they ramble the candy Land every nigh...
Aging and You
Locally Owned and Operated – An Important Consideration in Senior Living Living in a community which is locally owned and operated is something residents just take in stride. By Julie Arndt Marketing Director at Ridgecrest Village I love working at Ridgecrest Village. It is a special place...
Calendar of Events | April 2023
If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. Box 2125, Davenport, IA, 52809 Attn: Eloise or email: Attn: Eloise. Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month you want activity listed. Support Groups ...
What or Where Are Your Roots? By Eloise Graham Have you given any thought as to where are your roots? What does that really mean? What significance does it have? Is it where you came from? Your family tree? Where you are now? Your community? I pondered all of this after hearing a podcast over th...
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles. I Am Camera I am camera, I capture time, freeze The moment, I take reality, conquer The real, wherever I go, visual Master of all around, images I store Safe at home. The world I see all mine, In vivid dramatic panoram...
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles. Just for You I will go into the woods today and Pick a splendid, lush fern and wet It in the rhythm of a stream, Cadenced with the grace notes of Birds and the susurrations of leaves In the trees, and I will wield that Wild...