Archive for Health & Wellness

  • Calendar of Events | MARCH 2025 Calendar of Events | MARCH 2025

    If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. Box 2125, Davenport, IA, 52809  Attn: Eloise or email: Attn: Eloise. Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month you want activity listed. Support Grou...

  • CASI – A Place to Feel Welcomed and Connected CASI – A Place to Feel Welcomed and Connected

    By Laura Kopp CASI President/CEO Brené Brown, renowned author and therapist, defines connection as “the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship...

  • YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office

    By Cristina Vital Social Security Manager Rock Island Social Security Office OUR TOP SOCIAL MEDIA PAGES We strive to provide the public with accurate and helpful information. In addition to the resources available on our website at, we post useful information on our social media ch...

  • Kari’s Kitchen Kari’s Kitchen

    Congratulations to Kim Kreager and Heather Larson They are our BEST EASTER SIDE DISH contest winners Upside Down Pretzel Jell-O Salad recipe submitted by Kim Kreager 1 1/2 cup pretzels, crushed (crush them before you measure) 3 Tbsp. sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted 8 oun...

  • Milestones Mealsites | March 2025 Milestones Mealsites | March 2025

    All meal inquiries call 1-855-410-6222 Cancellations ONLY call 563-484-3108 Mealsites are now open. Please call for required reservations 1-2 days in advance. Contact your Community Café or call 563-484-3108 Site listings: Cumberland House 332-9339, Edgewater on Third 484-3108, Eldridge 285-...


    Random Thoughts and Comments By Eloise Graham The other day I heard someone mention she had the common cold. Is there an uncommon cold? Just wondering. So I looked up common cold. Johns Hopkins medicine says that the common cold may include a stuffy, runny nose, scratchy, tickly throat, watery eye...

  • Your Advocacy Connection Your Advocacy Connection

      We Solve Long-Term Care Problems What Is Your Plan B? By Gail Glockhoff-Long GolderCare Solutions Benefits Advocate Most older individuals and their families have a Plan A. What happens when Plan A does not work out as you had hoped? How fast can you pivot to a Plan B if Plan A no lon...

  • Cultural Connections with Food Cultural Connections with Food

    By Hannah Anderson MA, RDN, LDN, CLS Hy-Vee Registered Dietician (515) 695-3602 Food is a connector—it nourishes, brings people together and unites cultures. In March we celebrate National Nutrition Month,  an annual campaign from the Academy of Nutrition and ...