Archive for History
One Hundred Years Ago
By Eloise Graham The world was not a peaceful place in 1922. In Ireland a civil war began in June. The conflict was fought between the Irish Nationalists and the Irish Republicans. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) blew up a cable station in Waterville, County Kerry, cutting communication lines betw...
Thirty-Five Year Celebration By Eloise Graham This year, 50+ Lifestyles celebrates 35 years of publication. In 1987, Russ Myers of Bettendorf thought there should be a publication geared for the aging population. Sure, there was AARP the Magazine, but that was a national publication. Russ envisio...
July Facts, History and July 4th Trivia
By Eloise Graham July is the seventh month of the year. It has 31 days. The birthstone is the ruby and the flower is the Larkspur or the Water Lily. July was originally the month of Quintilis in the Roman calendar. It was the fifth month of the year until January and February were added in 450 BC....
The Little Brown Church in the Vale
By Mary Schricker Gemberling “History is a story written by the finger of God.” ... C.S. Lewis Gary and I have driven the 300 mile journey to Dodge Center Minnesota many times since his daughter and family moved there just over 10 years ago. At exit 220 on US 63 there is a small sign identify...
Where Did June Gets Its Name?
By Eloise Graham There are two theories as to how the name of June came about. The first is that June was named after the Roman goddess Juno. She was the goddess of marriage and the wife of the supreme deity Jupiter. The second theory comes from the Latin word iuniores, meaning “younger ones” a...
Calendar of Events – May 2022
If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. Box 2125, Davenport, IA, 52809 Attn: Eloise or email: Attn: Eloise. Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month you want activity listed. Support Groups ...
Just Saying…
By Q.C. Jones Mind your business April is famous for a lot of things. Some are just downright silly and unimportant. Days like April Fool’s Day, National Fun at Work Day, National Canine Fitness Day, National Tell a Lie Day, and National Deep Dish Pizza Day are just a handful of the over 140 spe...
Buds and Burrows Open in April
By Eloise Graham April is derived from the verb “aperire” which means “to open.” During the month of April, the trees and many flowers begin to bloom or open. The smaller animals that hibernate start opening their burrows and come out of their winter home. For those born in April th...