Archive for Humor
Embracing Autumn
By Alana Callender The term autumn can be traced back to the ancient Etruscan word autu, which means passing of the year. It is my favorite time of year. In my childhood, shutting up the cabin for the season was a little sad, but what promise the new school year always had. There was the ritua...
Just Saying…
I Survived the Great Rocky Mountain Road Trip By Q.C. Jones For the past several years, your cordial correspondent QC Jones has marked the end of the summer with a road trip to visit the majestic mountains of New Mexico and Colorado. The stated official destination is Taos, New Mexico to participa...
Just Saying…
By Q.C. Jones Walking the Dead Out of Deadlines One of the central concerns of my life as a writer and sometime journalist is the deadline. At any moment, I may be juggling 5, 10, or more deadlines of various kinds. In many ways these things resemble the zombies from The Walking Dead. Allow me t...
My Memories of August Vacations By Eloise Graham My dad got two weeks' vacation time in August. The usual vacation would be going from our hometown in East Central Kansas to my Aunt Margaret and Uncle Gus’s place in Central Illinois. Aunt Margaret was my mom’s sister. This trek had probably be...
Just Saying…
The Dog Days of Summer – My A/C-free Life By Q.C. Jones I feel as though I am one of the last people on the planet who can claim to have lived in an air-conditioner-free world. Growing up, I had a short taste of the air-conditioned lifestyle. During portions of my childhood my family had a w...
Just Saying…
Oh, The People I Know By Q.C. Jones Remember Studs Terkel? A Chicago-based writer, historian, and broadcaster, Terkel was famous for his interviews of the interesting people he met while plying his craft on the streets of the Windy City. He had a radio show called, The Studs Terkel program wh...
Just Saying…
Professor Harold Hill was Wrong – The Case for Pool Halls By Q.C. Jones A quick refresher, Professor Hill was the conman hero of the long-running Broadway hit “The Music Man” which ironically was set in River City, Iowa. You know the guy, fond of saying, “Trouble with a Capital T and that ...
Just Saying…
Chicago, USA – Tour Guide a Maladjusted Mind By Q.C. Jones Aside from providing stories and insights into all things Quad Cities, your pal QC Jones serves as a tour guide. While I have developed and someday hope to publish a walking tour of Historic Downtown Davenport, the bulk of my wo...