Archive for News
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Davenport, Iowa Office
By Linda Clayton-Powell Social Security District Manager Davenport, Iowa BEWARE OF FALSE SOCIAL SECURITY OR MEDICARE ADVERTISEMENTS Scammers have become more aggressive and sophisticated in the digital age. With millions of people relying on Social Security and Medicare, scammers target audi...
YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office
By Cristina Vital Social Security Manager Rock Island Social Security Office BACK TO SCHOOL WITH SOCIAL SECURITY It typically takes people a lifetime of planning to reach their retirement goals. The earlier young workers know about saving for their future, the better chance they’ll have at a...
Just Saying…
By Q.C. Jones Butterflies – Papillion Potpourri For four long years, I have cultivated milk weed plants with the express purpose of attracting monarch butterflies. Patiently awaiting the reigning monarch of the butterfly clan to deem my ever-expanding milkweed patch worthy, I checked daily for t...
The Face of Agriculture
By John & Joan Maxwell Cinnamon Ridge Farms Over the past several decades, there’s been quite a dramatic shift in the rural landscapes and how farm operations are run. Gone are the days of each farm having a few of every animal - beef cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, sheep, and dairy cows – an...
Beware of False Social Security or Medicare Advertisements
By Pamela Shaw Social Security District Manager in Davenport, Iowa Scammers have become more aggressive and sophisticated in the digital age. With millions of people relying on Social Security and Medicare, scammers target audiences who are looking for legitimate program and benefit information. S...
Ella’s Kitchen
Summer desserts - a refreshing end to a meal or just a midday snack with iced tea or coffee. An asterisk * denotes a make ahead dessert. I found these in a cookbook that I received in the early 1970s. I will list them as written, but will give you substitutions as some ingredients popular then are d...
Crow Valley Cooperative
Crow Valley Cooperative is a new development being brought to the Quad Cities by Bush Construction. Crow Valley Cooperative will provide an upscale living community with luxury amenities, in a highly desirable and prime location off Utica Ridge and just around the corner from Crow Valley Golf Club...
Beware of Scams Targeting Seniors
By Chris White Marketing and PR Coordinator Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging On June 13th I was sitting at my desk here at Milestones wearing a purple dress shirt in my small way of bringing attention to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. However, I work for an Area Agency on Aging, and every d...