Archive for News

  • News from Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (SALT) News from Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (SALT)

    Car Safety Tips In light of all the vehicle burglaries and thefts that have occurred this spring and summer in Scott County, here are a few car safety tips to remember to protect yourself and your belongings. • Always lock your vehicle when left unattended. • Never leave keys in your vehicle ...

  • YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY | Rock Island, Illinois Office

    By Cristina Vital Social Security Manager Rock Island Social Security Office HOW YOU CAN GROW YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS BEYOND RETIREMENT AGE For more and more Americans, reaching retirement age no longer means the end of an active working life. Many people are choosing to work past the a...

  • News from RSVP News from RSVP

    By Dave Layton Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois With deep regret, we must inform you that RSVP of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois will be closed as of July 1st due primarily to funding issues. RSVP volunteers are encouraged to continue their volunteer ...

  • Family Fun at Camp CASI Family Fun at Camp CASI

    By Samantha Meier Assistant Director of Marketing Center for Active Seniors, Inc. (CASI) Some of our most fond memories from childhood revolve around summertime and camping. Create new memories with your grandchild or grandchildren at the first ever Camp CASI! Designed specifically for grandpare...

  • JULY 2017 Clinton and Scott County Meal Site noon meals JULY 2017 Clinton and Scott County Meal Site noon meals

    3) Beef Stew, Biscuit, Apricots, Orange Juice 4) Happy 4th of July – All Nutrition Centers closed. No Home Deliveries 5) Happy Birthday - Oven Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes W/Gravy, Peas With Pearl Onions, Ice Cream, Orange  Juice, Small Cupcake 6) Goulash, Big Bowl Of Tuscan Greens, Sugar Co...

  • Seed Mix for Monarchs and Bees Developed by Iowa State Seed Mix for Monarchs and Bees Developed by Iowa State

    By Dana Schweitzer Program Coordinator Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium Iowa State University Extension & Outreach Determining the right mix of perennials to use as habitat for monarch butterflies and bees can be challenging. Researchers with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach h...

  • Beware of Medicare Scams Beware of Medicare Scams

    By Peggy Dykes Community Relations Director Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it will be sending new Medicare Cards to more than 57 million enrollees over the next two years. CMS is required to replace all cards that currently u...

  • Happy Birthday Wishes to our Country! Happy Birthday Wishes to our Country!

    By Eloise Graham I remember 1976 and all of the patriotic whoopla that accompanied the 200th birthday of our nation. Do you? Seems like just yesterday. In nine short years we will be celebrating the 250th birthday. Did you ever stop and wonder if, in 1967, people in their sixties, seventies or eigh...