Archive for News

  • RSVP | Lead with Experience RSVP | Lead with Experience

    By Bill Sedlacek Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Eastern Iowa and Western Illnois Phyllis Kenney ~ Leading the Way from Her Own Home “I’ve met many wonderfully unique RSVP members since Dave Layton first asked me to tell their stories here. Phyllis Kenney, this month’s spotlighte...

  • News from Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (SALT) News from Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (SALT)

    That IRS Call Might Now Be Legit! For years, we’ve given you this advice: The caller claiming to collect on an IRS debt is not legitimate, so hang up the phone. There’s a new twist: Now it’s possible an IRS debt call is legitimate after all—but only with certain types of debts and only u...

  • Adult/Elder Rights Program Adult/Elder Rights Program

    By Peggy Dykes Community Relations Director Milestone’s Area Agency on Aging Each year, an average of 2.2 million older Americans face injury, exploitation, or other mistreatment in the form of financial, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect per the National Center on Elder Abuse, Bu...

  • Yard & Garden: Caring for Newly Planted Trees Yard & Garden: Caring for Newly Planted Trees

    By Richard Jauron Iowa State University Extension Iowa has millions of trees across its landscape, and many are planted each year. But when they are, they require multiple steps and focused care to ensure their success and growth. ISU Extension and Outreach horticulturists can help answer your qu...

  • What is the Most Annoying Sound to You? What is the Most Annoying Sound to You?

    By Dr. Molly Parker, Audiologist and Owner Parker Audiolology, P.C. What is the most annoying sound to you?? Many sounds are created to be annoying, but not so alarming that you freeze up. For example your cell phone has many kinds of alerting signals to get your attention. Other alerting signals ...

  • The Summer Solstice The Summer Solstice

    By Eloise Graham The summer solstice, or estival solstice, occurs twice a year: once in the northern hemisphere and then again in the southern hemisphere. This happens when the planet’s axis is most inclined toward the star that it orbits. In our case, it is the Earth orbiting the Sun and happens...

  • May 2017 Calendar of Events May 2017 Calendar of Events

    Support Groups and Informational Seminars Quad Cities Alzheimer’s Association – Are you or someone you know a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s? Free educational classes are being offered for people with dementia, their families, and those who professionally serve them. Get support from ...

  • MAY 2017 Clinton and Scott County Meal Site noon meals MAY 2017 Clinton and Scott County Meal Site noon meals

    1) Beef Stew, Carrots, Biscuit, Apricots, Orange Juice 2) Cauliflower Cheese Soup, Deli Sandwich On Wheat Bun W/ Mayo, Cottage Cheese, Peaches 3) Happy Birthday - Oven Baked Chicken, Mashed Potatoes W/Gravy, Peas With Pearl Onions, Ice Cream, Orange  Juice, Small Cupcake) 4) Pork Loin, Pasta Sal...