Calendar of Events | MARCH 2025
If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. Box 2125, Davenport, IA, 52809Â Attn: Eloise or email: publisher@50pluslife.com Attn: Eloise. Please submit by the 10th of the month prior to the month you want activity listed. Support Grou...
Kari’s Kitchen
Congratulations to Kim Kreager and Heather Larson They are our BEST EASTER SIDE DISH contest winners Upside Down Pretzel Jell-O Salad recipe submitted by Kim Kreager 1 1/2 cup pretzels, crushed (crush them before you measure) 3 Tbsp. sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted 8 oun...
Plan Now for How to Use Your Tax Refund
By Barb Wollan Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Health and Human Sciences Specialist Iowans who are expecting a sizable income tax refund have choices about how to use that money, says Barb Wollan, a human sciences specialist with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. “Keep...
Your Advocacy Connecti...
We Solve Long-Term Care Problems What Is Your Plan B? By Gail Glockhoff-Long GolderCare Solu...
By Pam Shaw Social Security District Manager Davenport Social Security Office SOCIAL SECURITY AND SC...
Aging and You
Ladies of Eastridge By Julie Arndt Marketing Director at Ridgecrest Village Community is defined in ma...
By Cristina Vital Social Security Manager Rock Island Social Security Office OUR TOP SOCIAL MEDIA PA...
Health & Wellness
Calendar of Events | M...
If you have an upcoming event that you would like published, please mail info to: 50+Lifestyles, P. O. B...
Ask the Audiologist
Apple Airpods and Your Hearing By Laura Schroeder, Au.D. Audiology Consultants, P.C. Apple made headli...
Aging and You
Ladies of Eastridge By Julie Arndt Marketing Director at Ridgecrest Village Community is defined in ma...
CASI – A Place to Fe...
By Laura Kopp CASI President/CEO Brené Brown, renowned author and therapist, defines connection as â...
Recent Articles
Cultural Connections with Food
By Hannah Anderson MA, RDN, LDN, CLS Hy-Vee Registered Dietician (515) 695-3602   hannah.anderson1@hy-vee.com Food is a connector—it nourishes, brings people together a...
A Pause for Poetry
By Gary Heath Poet in Residence for 50+ Lifestyles. River of Life On the river of life we all ride, The currents cannot be denied. The water c...
Just Saying…
Born of the Storm: Maybe QC Jones has been Struck By Q.C. Jones March marks the beginning of spring for our beloved Quad-Cities. When I think of Spring I am magically, perhaps...
Your Advocacy Connection
We Solve Long-Term Care Problems What Is Your Plan B? By Gail Glockhoff-Long GolderCare Solutions Benefits Advocate Most older individuals and their families have...
Plan Now for How to Use Your Tax Refund
By Barb Wollan Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Health and Human Sciences Specialist Iowans who are expecting a sizable income tax refund have choices about how t...
How Much Annual Income Can Your Retirement Portfolio Provide?
By Craig Schillig, FSCP, LUTCF Independent Insurance and Financial Advisor Your retirement lifestyle will depend not only on your assets and investment choices, but also on ho...
Random Thoughts and Comments By Eloise Graham The other day I heard someone mention she had the common cold. Is there an uncommon cold? Just wondering. So I looked up common c...
Beware the Ides of March
By Eloise Graham Julius Caesar was warned about the Ides of March. In 44 BC he was launching a series of political and social reforms. He was assassinated on March 15. This eve...