Posts Tagged Mcpike
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Back in 1788 Scott Poet Robert Burns twisted his way into the New Year by writing a great poem. But we’re not going to wax eloquently about poetry – that honor goes to fellow writer and radio great Max Molleston. Truthfully, we rarely spend time...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Gail and Toni extend Holiday Cheer ... this time by a full 6 days We know that many of you have this preconceived notion that big time travel correspondents like us operate with a cadre of support staff. You know –administrative assistants to ...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Hello everybody and welcome to the new and improved November edition of Fifty Plus Lifestyles. We certainly hope you have been paying attention all these months because – just like back in third grade - we are going to have a POP Quiz. Pop Quiz ...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Amber waves of grain, pumpkins, beautifully colored leaves and the pungent smell of leaves burning off in the distance, all remind us it’s fall in the Quad Cities. And, as you read this and nod along – just think, burning leaves is illegal in mos...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Close your eyes and imagine the 100 greatest vacation destinations on the planet. Come on concentrate. Think vacation, get-a-way, fun, and family. Via mental telepathy we see your list – Orlando, Ocean Beach, Vail, Hot Springs and Hollywood are on y...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall There ain’t no cure for the Summer Time Blues…. So says Eddie Cochran, a rock and roll pioneer. We’ve got those low down, mean ole’ dog day summer time blues. Ever since Eddie Cochran penned that song way back in 1958, it has carri...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Well, Quad-Citians, it’s summer time. We’ve had hot, we’ve had rains and, thank goodness, we haven’t had flood waters lapping against the Downtown Davenport. And, for your intrepid reporters here, it has been an action packed time. Last month...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall It’s June! The astronomers down at NASA might argue that summer officially begins on June 21st, but we subscribe to the June 1st theory. Our great friend Mark Martens – an Ames-based agricultural expert says summer begins the first day it turns 90 ...