Posts Tagged Nash
Don’t Sign That Deed Until You Read This
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford People who are trying to arrange their assets so that they’ll avoid probate or so that they’ll qualify for Medicaid sometimes decide to deed their property to their children. At first blush, this seems like the perfect solution. It’s quick, it’s e...
Funding is Critical to Estate Planning
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford Everyone knows that planning is part of estate planning. When Ted and Emily met with their attorney, they discussed their family’s needs and the legacy they wanted to leave. Ted and Emily and the attorney created an estate plan designed to achieve their...
Keeping Your Vacation Home in the Family
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford Vacation homes hold a special place in our hearts. Everyone with a vacation home in the family has memories of special times shared with family and friends. Summer weekends and holidays at the lake or mountain home give a rare chance for families and friend...
Selecting an Estate Planning Attorney – Wisely
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford When you plan your estate, you are putting together your road map to your legacy. Your estate plan determines who will be entitled to your assets, how they can use them, and the protections which they and the assets you leave them may have from creditors, d...
Dos and Don’ts of Managing an Inheritance
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford An inheritance is a bittersweet thing. On one hand, the circumstance which brought about the inheritance is the death of a loved one. On the other hand, your loved one valued your relationship with them enough to think of you and try to make your life bette...
Protecting Your Assets
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford Part of estate planning is keeping your estate from being diminished by taxes, but also unforeseen expenses, liabilities, etc. The increased litigiousness of American society has made asset protection more important than ever. Here are a few of the basics....
How to Avoid Estate Planning Minefields: You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford Some things seem like they should be easy--and they are easy. However, some things simply appear easy--even when they are very difficult. The problem with some complex responsibilities is that they may seem simple on the surface, yet they may be very diffi...
Your Team is on Your Side
By Curt Ford Nash Nash Bean & Ford Estate Planning is like a team sport. In these turbulent economic times, sometimes it may seem like you are going it all alone. However, you’ll find that bringing together a team of qualified professionals will bring you peace of mind as you work towar...