Posts Tagged Quad Cities
On the Go With Joe Hutter
Seniors And Law Enforcement Together (SALT) By Joe Hutter Last month, on September 15, the Senior Expo was held at the Quad-Cities Waterfront Convention Center. It had the largest attendance of any that I have seen. There were seminars on various subjects of interest to seniors. It was nic...
Lighthouse Homecare Business Profile
Three years ago, Kirsten Adams became CEO and owner of Lighthouse Homecare. Originally founded in 1999, Lighthouse Homecare has been assisting individuals and families in the Quad- Cities to stay together in their home as long as possible with a safety net. Studies indicate that the first choice of ...
In and Out of the Quad Cities: Are we Getting Buggy? The Mysteries of Summer Revealed
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Can you believe it… our story was on the front cover of last month’s 50+ Lifestyles? We’ve been walking on air. We made sure our mothers got a copy to send out to all those aunts and uncles. We even thought about sending a copy off to our 3rd grade ...
Alzheimer’s Association Art Show and Auction a Success
By Linda N. White Alzheimer’s Association, Greater Iowa Chapter Fundraiser Dedicated to Alzheimer’s Disease Care, Support and Research Programs More than 150 residents from Quad-Cities joined at the Alzheimer’s Association’s first ever Memories in the Making art show and auction even...
In and Out of the Quad-Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Remember Those Summer Family Reunions First you combine ants (and aunties), uncles, cousins by the dozens and an occasional case of poison ivy with deviled eggs and cold friend chicken. Then you add a dash of sweltering heat and a teaming mess of slobb...
In and Out of the Quad Cities
Contributed by Gail McPike and Toni Hall Join us as we take a little trip. Nope, not a travelogue, it’s a special kind of trip – a trip back in time. Close your eyes – well not really, we want you to keep reading. We are inviting you to join us on a trip in human dimensions – a trip thro...
2011 Race for the Cure
Susan G. Komen Quad Cities Race for the Cure Veterans One out of eight women will get breast cancer over a lifetime. It could be your mother, wife, sister, daughter, neighbor, co-worker, friend….or it could happen to you. The Susan G. Komen Quad Cities Race for the Cure® is scheduled for 8 a...
Why I think it’s a serious mistake to “wait til next year” to buy your new home
By Dan Dolan Dan Dolan Homes During my weekly open house sessions, I make it a point to ask questions of my visitors. I consider this an important opportunity to take the pulse of the market because the comments I get are truly the reflection of what’s happening in the marketplace today—now...