Posts Tagged Social Security
Your Social Security
By Christina Vital Manager Rock Island Social Security office SOCIAL SECURITY’S FAQ WEBSITE: A POPULAR SPOT FOR GETTING ANSWERS Do you have a question about the Social Security program that you would like answered quickly and simply? Many people find that one of the easiest and best w...
Your Social Security
by Sharice L. Edwards Social Security Acting District Manager, Davenport Iowa BECOMING A PAYEE MAY BE THE BEST WAY TO HELP If a loved one, friend or neighbor receives Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits but is no longer physically or mentally able to take care of hi...
by Sharice L. Edwards Social Security Acting District Manager, Davenport Iowa RETIRED WITH CHILDREN? The idea of someone being “retired with children” may seem like the seed of another television sit-com or reality show. But the fact is that it’s becoming more and more common for older...
Your Social Security
Rock Island, IL Office By Christina Vital Manager Rock Island Social Security office CONCERNED ABOUT MONEY FOR RETIREMENT? SOCIAL SECURITY AND A SOLID SAVINGS PLAN CAN EASE YOUR WORRIES Do you sometimes wonder whether you’ll be able to afford retirement? It’s a common concern among wor...
Your Social Security
By Christina Vital Manager Rock Island Social Security Office DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE FROM WAITING IN LINE BY APPLYING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY RETIREMENT BENEFITS ONLINE This month we celebrate Independence Day … and you declare your freedom from waiting in line by taking advantage of Social...
Your Social Security
By Sharice L. Edwards Social Security Acting District Manager, Davenport Iowa BEST ONLINE SERVICES AT SOCIALSECURITY.GOV Americans love their computers. In fact, a recent study shows that the number of Americans who use the Internet has more than doubled over the past 10 years, reaching nearl...